A helpful tweak to JobKeeper 2.0 eligibility.

Eligibility changes for JobKeeper 2.0 have been announced by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.  The changes will apply nationwide from 28 September.  They now are based on single quarters, rather than both the June and September quarters as previously announced. 

Likewise, from 4 January 2021, businesses will only need to show a decline in turnover for the December 2020 quarter, rather than each of the June, September and December quarters. 

There is no change to the two-tier payment rates previously announced.  These will remain at $1,200 for full-time workers, and $750 for those working less than 20 hours per week, a drop from the current rate of $1500 per fortnight.  There will be a change for the start date for employees hired as of 1 July 2020 to be eligible for JobKeeper 2.0 from 3 August.

This is welcome news for those businesses who may have improved over June but declined in September due to the current second wave, particularly influenced by Victoria.  For those employees who may have missed out on relief, the announcement will provide them with further security.

The Treasury’s fact sheet has now been updated to reflect the change.

As always, the Evolution team is up to date with the changes and is available to assist you with any enquiries.  We are all in this together and we aim to support our clients to successfully come through this difficult period.



Jo Bright