Are you aware of the Fair Work provisions beyond 28 September and the decline in turnover certificate?

A concession has been granted for employers who no longer qualify for JobKeeper from 28 September to continue to access the temporary Fair Work Act provisions.  To qualify, employers must pass the 10 percent decline in turnover test by providing a decline in turnover certificate from a qualified accountant, BAS or registered tax agent.  The certificate will be issued based on information provided by the employer with significant penalties for employers who provide misleading information.  If you are a small business with less than 15 employees, providing a statutory declaration is acceptable in place of the decline in turnover certificate.  We do caution employers to check their particulars with their financial adviser to ensure they provide correct information.

The provisions outline how to continue working under the temporary directions that allow for concessions to employers.  These concessions include how to reduce employee hours by up to 40%,  directions on duties and location of work and the appropriate steps to take if an employee needs to be stood down.

More information on the Fair Work enabling provisions can be viewed here.  It includes template letters to assist employers in the correct communication steps should action be required.

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Please contact Evolution should you need a decline in turnover certificate 

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Jo Bright