JobKeeper Extension Two - What it means...

Make sure you declare your eligibility for JobKeeper - Extension 2 for new, continued and reapplying participants .

Never received JobKeeper assistance?  You may apply for the first time.  If you received JobKeeper throughout part of 2020 but not in the December quarter, you may re-apply. If you are continuing on JobKeeper assistance you must also declare your eligibility by 31 January 2021..

JobKeeper extension 2 commenced on 4 January 2021 and covers the fortnights between 4 January and 28 March 2021.

If you are enrolling to receive JobKeeper payments for the first time, you will need to do so by 31 January.  Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time to enroll as it may take up to 3 days to process your enrolment.  Once enrolled, you will need to submit your decline in turnover form before the important cut-off date of 31 January.

The 31 January cut off also applies to businesses who may have received Jobkeeper for a period throughout 2020 and may now be eligible to re-apply due to a reduced turnover in the December quarter. 

If you have received JobKeeper assistance throughout 2020 including the December quarter you still must declare your ongoing eligibility.

To claim JobKeeper payments for this period you will need to show that your actual GST turnover has declined in the December 2020 quarter, relative to the comparable corresponding quarter in 2019.  However, an alternative test may apply if unusual circumstances occurred in December 2019 that make this comparison period not appropriate or fair for your business.

Employees are reminded to pay your eligible employees at least the JobKeeper amount that applies to them each JobKeeper fortnight.  The amounts for extension 2 will be either $1,000 per fortnight for Tier 1 employees or $650 per fortnight for Tier 2.

If in doubt about your eligibility or confused about the process, please reach out to your Evolution adviser for assistance.

Jo Bright